Part 2: Copy Protection and Being Wrong

Welcome back to King's Quest III. So let's do that again, this time without pissing off the wizard.

I lied, by the way. I'm deliberately trying to provoke him here. This is Manannan's room. By all accounts he should have appeared by now, but he hasn't.

It took him a full extra minute to appear and glower at Gwydion. Seriously, that's all he does here. He doesn't even acknowledge that you did the chore. He just poofs into the room and stares at you for like 4 seconds.
At this point we may as well wait the next minute out.
As a whole, I'm not fond of the timer mechanic. There are five items we could be getting right now. We could be progressing the story, such as it is. We could be engaging with the copy protection, for that matter. Instead, we're stuck wandering back and forth in a tiny hallway waiting for the 0:05:00 marker.

Manannan is punctual when it comes to this matter.

We now are free to loot the shit out of everything for the next 25 minutes. Manannan will return from his journey at the 0:30:00 mark, and we have a lot to do between now and then.

First things first, the third floor. You can kinda see a few pixels on the ground, as well as the telescope centerpiece. So let's take a closer look...
>look telescope

>look floor

Next, we need to loot the hell out of Manannan's room.
>open drawer (while in front of the nightstand)

>open drawer (while in front of the dresser)

Alternatively if you stand too close to the dresser...
>open drawer

>open cabinet

>look in cabinet

>search cabinet

This next item is unncessarily hard to find for no particularly good reason.
>close cabinet
>look on top of cabinet

We're going to need this in a minute.

Finally, rather than show a picture of the map...

This is map of Llewdor, which gets filled out as we explore the land.

It's also a magic map that can teleport you to any map square you've visited previously. Naturally, this comes with significant limitations that I'll cover several updates from now.

We're down in Manannan's study. On the way down, I stopped by Gwydion's room to grab all the stuff from under his bed.
Now, the little cabinet in the bottom left corner is incredibly important. It's locked, and we just so happen to have found the key.
>unlock cabinet

Gwydion is smart enough to cover his tracks in this one case. Now for the next part...
>look bookshelf

>get book

>move books

>pull lever

Ahh, the copy protection room. This next bit doesn't happen in the game, but makes sense narratively...

So this is the copy protection, more or less. A lot of the crap you collect in this game is used for casting magic spells, thus why Manannan freaked out at finding Gwydion in possession of cat fur. There are seven spells in the game, and we're going to use all seven of them in the course of this playthrough.
I've deliberately slapped the copy protection together in a facsimilie of a recipe card, because that's all it is. The exotic ingredients like Saffron can almost all be found on Manannan's shelf in the background. So in order to prepare this first spell, all we had to do was find the rose petal essence and the magic wand.
So to that end...
>get saffron

While standing in front of the table...
>turn to page iv

Precisely is right, too. The instructions on that little recipe card I made are almost the literal string you need to type into the game.

>put saffron in essence

Here's the copy protection bit. Magic needs an incantation to work properly, and we have to type it in. One option is to type it with the exact punctuation the manual has.

It's a lot easier to just shitpost the incantation.
>wave wand

We're done with the copy protection for now. I'm refusing to call it spellcasting. It's the principle of the matter. Anyway, let's get the hell out of here. We've wasted nearly 5 minutes of our precious free time, and we have so much to do yet...

Yeah, that's enough for now.

Now let's enter the bonus zone. Here we're going to try and deliberately piss of Manannan until he kills us.

The easiest way to do so is to try and leave the mountain.

Manannan will always catch you at around this point.

First time is a warning and you get sent back to the dining room.

Second time... I fall to my death. Whoops! Let's try that again.

The narrator by default uses second person pronouns for protagonists, and since this is non canon with the actual LP run, it's as good a time as any to use them. Anyway, we're now stuck hanging on the ceiling for a full realtime minute. Typing any command has the narrator acting weird.

So the third time's not the charm.

Another minute of varied exercises. It was at this point that I was beginning to realize that it was impossible to piss Manannan off enough to die at the start of the game.

But becauses Manannan suspended us from the ceiling and made us do exercises, we've missed our deadline on completing the chore.

And we're back here. Manannan has four punishments, and I was super unlucky because I kept getting hanging out in the kitchen.

We're past 5 minutes. He should have left on his journey at this point. But nope, here he is making life difficult.

And we're hanging like a bat for a third time. So that's four punishments in five minutes and he has yet to kill us. So I'm going to call the experiment a failure here. I tried this process several more times, and all I ever got was hanging from the ceiling and rarely the exercises. Never once did I manage to piss the wizard off enough to warrant death.
So I was completely wrong about everything in the first update. Piss the wizard off as much as you like. If you do things correctly, it will not matter an iota.
For the record, I'm unwilling to wait around for the 30 minute mark to try my luck some more. The emulator I'm running this on, ScummVM, forces the game to run in realtime regardless of speed setting. I would have to literally sit around for 25 real time minutes in order to get a single chance to piss the wizard off.
NEXT TIME: We actually leave the old house.
List of Points
+1 - Fly wings
+1 - Gwydion the vain
+1 - Rose petal perfume
+7 - The faded map
+3 - The small brass key
+4 - Stealing the wand
+5 - Finding the hidden lever
+1 - Raiding Manannan's spice rack
+10 - Yer a wizard, Gwydion
Total: 45/210
Register of Deaths
Tripped by the fucking cat x2